Western Colorado Climbing > Beta > Ice Climbs > Coal Creek > Curtain Call

BJ Sbarra at the top.

As seen from the road.

Curtain Call, WI3+

This is a great moderate line in a really cool setting. Park at the big red cliffs in Coal Creek and walk up the road several minutes. You're looking for the first major gully system on the left. The sheet of ice should be obvious from the road. Walk up the gully to the climb. If the trail is packed, expect about a 25 minute walk. The climb starts with a thinly iced slab up to a short steep section and then the big slab above. Bring screws, including a few stubbies for the start. Rap from slings around the tree at the top. You might be able to get off with a single 70m, but probably need two ropes.

FA: Unknown.