5Point Film Festival – On Like Donkey Kong

Get ready for a weekend of good films and good times. The first annual 5Point Film Festival starts tonight with a kick off party at Dos Gringos at 5pm. Stop by for a burrito, beers and some hang time. The films start at 7:00 pm, and include, among others, the excellent King Lines, along with the sobering Dozen More Turns. I’ll be reviewing each night, so if you can’t make it, check back in here to get all the juicy details. With lots of luminaries in town, should make for some good stories. Now if this rain would just go away….

Also, for you local folks, be sure to check out the Front Porch crag at the Narrows. It only takes about 10-15 minutes to hike up to, and has 8 routes, from 10a to 11d, all of which are a lot of fun. The climbing is sustained, varied, and overall excellent. It makes for a nice after work spot as you can move through a bunch of climbs relatively quickly. Mike and I added a new variation to one route last night, with some steep and strenuous climbing for 3 bolts which then joins the techy top of a previous route. A long abandoned line, it’s now Back from the Dead, 5.11 and very worthy. Enjoy!

Locals Corner

Bulldog Creek Dog Walk (IV WI 4+)

Hayden Carpenter and Tom Bohanon recently repeated an obscure ice climb on the south side of Mt Sopris. Given a brief mention in Jack Robert’s ice guide, Bulldog Creek Walk is described as being 100 meters of WI 4. What they found was seven pitches of ice in a remote setting that makes for one […]

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