Redstone Ice Climbing Conditions

Well, it’s hard to believe it’s come and gone, but this will probably be the last ice conditions update for the season. Warmer weather is predicted for this week, and things could start falling down soon. That being said, it can be a nice time to get out, as the ice is plastic and you don’t get cold belaying. Just stay away from pillars if it gets too warm!

Avocado Gully – fat & cruiser.

Dancing in the Moonlight – fat.

Crystal Visions – in WI5 shape.

Tomato Chimney – fat, but good luck on getting in there.

Dirty Linen Gully – snow on rock.

The Pencil – dry as a bone.

Coal Creek – soaking wet today, not much ice, dry tooling routes still climbable.

The Drool – fat & cruiser.

Redstone Pillar – fat.

Redstone Slabs – WI5 conditions, looked sunbaked.

Marble Falls – haven’t heard, could be scary thin at the top as it starts to warm up.

Locals Corner

Bulldog Creek Dog Walk (IV WI 4+)

Hayden Carpenter and Tom Bohanon recently repeated an obscure ice climb on the south side of Mt Sopris. Given a brief mention in Jack Robert’s ice guide, Bulldog Creek Walk is described as being 100 meters of WI 4. What they found was seven pitches of ice in a remote setting that makes for one […]

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